Georgia-Pacific DensDeck Roof Board
Fire resistant | Moisture resistant | Dimensionally stable | Strong
- Provides superior fire protection
- Fire, rot and hail resistant
- Holds up well under normal construction and maintenance foot traffic while stiffening and stabilizing roof decks
- Easy to install in all types of roof systems
- Ideal product for direct membrane application
- Tested within roofing systems for sound isolation
DensDeck Prime with EONIC™ Technology
DensDeck® Prime combines all the features of standard DensDeck with an enhanced surface treatment. The green surface coating allows uniform spreading of adhesives, which results in a stronger, more consistent bond. For cold mastic and torch applied modified bitumen as well as all fully adhered single-ply systems, DensDeck Prime provides a stronger, more economical installation by reducing the amount of mastic or adhesive, potentially eliminating the field primer and reducing the number of fasteners required to achieve high wind uplift values. Consult with membrane manufacturer for actual priming requirements.
GP DensDeck Roof Board Guides and Brochures
GP DensDeck StormX Prime Roof Board

Stand up to Severe Hail Conditions

When you’re looking for the best defense for your roof assembly designs, there’s only one cover board to consider. DensDeck® StormX™ Prime Roof Boards incorporate increased moisture resistance and strength, as well as preeminent impact resistance in one multi-use roof board. It is classified by FM (Factory Mutual) Global for VSH (very severe hail), the tough new hail standard in FM Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-34.(1) Specify DensDeck® StormX™ cover boards wherever you need enhanced impact resistance, but always specify it in very severe hail zones.